Lait Frais

Fresh Lotion

- Fresh, Fluid, Pleasant -

Delightfully fresh, this lotion moisturizes, comforts and softens the skin. Its light formula is quickly absorbed by the skin, leaving it with the stimulating aroma of orange blossom, like a morning breeze that awakens the bay of Alexandira.

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€ 59,00

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Questo latte fresco per il corpo lascia la pelle morbida e lenita grazie alle proprietà dei fiori d'arancio e dell'olio di mandorla.

Formato 200ml

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Fresh Lotion

Fresh Lotion

- Fresh, Fluid, Pleasant -

Delightfully fresh, this lotion moisturizes, comforts and softens the skin. Its light formula is quickly absorbed by the skin, leaving it with the stimulating aroma of orange blossom, like a morning breeze that awakens the bay of Alexandira.

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